Post by modulatoresp on Feb 12, 2010 15:50:23 GMT
Not an actual release per se, but a recording of a live internet radio broadcast for a show I do at radio.electro-music.com called Adventures In Sound. This one makes extensive use of the repeater for looping and live time-stretching and is quite ambient and experimental in places signal chain: ipod touch -> vss-30 -> frostwave resonator -> repeater -> dd-20 delay -> wedge reverb all sounds generated live using touch then sampled into vss-30, filtered by the resonator and then recorded and looped by the repeater, then slowed down or speeded up using the repeater's timestretch, with additional layers added at different speeds and directions to produce varying stretching effects apps used: curtis heavy, nlog, manetron & soundscape space here's the recording: Adventure In Sound - Episode 21and some pics from before and after the session